Mamluk Manuscript Elements with Esra and Samira - Recorded

Mamluk Manuscript Elements with Esra and Samira - Recorded
PLEASE NOTE THIS LISTING IS FOR THE RECORDING - you are welcome to purchase the course and get the recording links and 2 pdfs as an instant download.
Inspired by the beauty of patterns found in the pages of Martin Lings book, Samira and I found beauty and details in similar patterns that appealed to their different aesthetics and interests. Samira was drawn to the small details of geometry in titles and on the Frontispieces. Whilst I was appreciating the curves and symmetry of the stylised floral motifs within the different geometric shapes as well those that elevating whole pages with ornate borders. From these conversations, this course was born.
Samira will take you through a step by step the construction of two patterns exclusively for these zoom sessions. Each will be accompanied by a step by step PDF for you to use during or after the sessions.
I will guide you with the free hand drawings that will be filling the geometric spaces and she will introduce you to a simple biomorphic border that will frame the piece along with pointers on painting and outlining.
Suitable for:
Intermediate level geometers with experience of drawings and participants aged 16+.
If you are a beginner and would like to enrol, we suggest you practise plenty before the start of course to make sure you are better prepared. Try working through Five & Tenfold patterns or Twelvefold Islamic Geometric Rosettes. We will work at a pace aimed at intermediate level geometers, however if it is difficult to keep up do try to have the geometry PDF step by step guide to hand and remember you can always continue after the session following the recordings.
The biomorphic pattern day would be suitable to most. It depends on your comfort level drawing curved lines and basic flowers.
Tools needed for this session:
Please make sure you have these tools to be able to join in with the workshop activities. Please do visit or for recommendations.
For Sessions 1 & 2:
A3 & A4 smooth paper
A compass
30cm transparent ruler
2H & 2B pencil
Fineliner pens
Tracing paper
For Session 3 & 4:
Tracing Paper (2 A4 sheets), you will need that for the drawing stage. You can use baking paper instead!
Watercolour paper for painting.
Watercolour or Gouache Paints, such as Bristle & Brush paint brand.
Paint palette or plate or something to hold paints and for mixing.
Additional Gold Colour in watercolour or gouache (optional)
Two brushes ( size 0 and size double zero or smaller 0/2, 03 or 04), Pro Arte series 101 is good to start with.
Black ink or black paint watercolour/gouache (optional, but preferred)
Booking & payment
Booking the course is possible via this listing (click buy below) or via Samira’s website. Please only do one purchase!
Cancellation Policy
This listing is instantly downloadable, so no cancellation or a refund will be accepted.
Some of the beautiful work produced by our talented students from this course: