Patterns & Illumination

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Persian Illumination Books كتب التذهيب الفارسي من إيران

When I was in Iran about two years ago, I went to a small bookstore in Shiraz next to the Karim Khan Hotel. I walked in and asked for "tezhip - islimi - khtaie" books. These are the ones I purchased in person. I am so glad I got them. They are such good resources and this is where I trace a lot of my patterns. Some of them are sold in bookstores in Turkey, but I am not sure which ones. They are worth getting! 

Update: some of the Illumination books can be purchased from Karin Sanat online

قمت شراء هذه الكتب شخصياً من إيران من مدينة شيراز وتُعتبر مصدر قيم للزخراف والمعلومات عن فن التذهيب الإسلامي. أتوقع بالإمكان شراء بعض منها من تركيا. 

Over to you: Are there any other practical illumination books you like? Where did you get them from? *comment below!*

إذا لديكم أي إقتراحات لكتب التذهيب الرجاء كتابتها في التعليقات